Eugena H. Hicks

Below is a copy of a copy (many times) of a newspaper clipping.

Other conflicting information shows her death on December 2nd, 22nd, and 28th. Another clipping shows her death was on a Saturday. Checking on the 10,000 Year Calendar Page shows that the 22nd of December falls on a Saturday. So I would believe that puts her death on December 22, 1928.

Pioneer Del Norte Woman Succumbs to Illness

Eugenia Hicks was born at Salem, Washington County, New York, March 28, 1845. Died December 28, 1928. Aged 83 years 8 months and 24 days. Was married to John J. Hosselkus, July 9, 1868. To this union five children were born. Bert C. Hosselkus of Creede, Colorado, Lena H. Slater of Del Norte, Colorado, Viola Loomis or Colorado Springs, Margaret Hosselkus of Rock Creek and Charles C. Hosselkus of Del Norte. Margaret passed away as an infant in 1883.

This family moved from Bushnell, Illinois in 1880 and settled in Rock Creed living there four years. They later moved west of Del Norte to Granger and settled on what was known at that time as the old Colonel Pfeiffer ranch. After several years they moved to the Gredig (may be Credig) ranch living there a number of years and later moved to Del Norte.

John J. Hosselkus passed away in the year 1907.

Her health began to fail some ten years ago and continued up to the time of her death. This end the life of a good and faithful wife and mother.

Mrs. Hosselkus united with the First Presbyterian Church of Del Norte by letter on December 26, 1899. She was a Charter member of the W.C.T.U (??) and was active in the work until her health failed.

Besides her sons and daughters she leaves ten grand children and two great grand children to mourn the loss of a devoted mother.

Funeral services were held from the Presbyterian Church Wednesday afternoon December 26. Rev. J. B. White ____ (unreadable). Interment in the family lot in the Del Norte Cemetery.

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