John P. Hosselkus
John P. was born Febuary 13, 1813 in NY from John Hosselkus and Molly Parke. He married Esther A. Parker December 25, 1842. Together they had 1 child listed below:
John J. Hosselkus
There is a John Hosselkuss listed in the 1860 Census records for Genesee, NY, Oakfield Township. He is listed at 39 year old day laborer with a Real Estate Value of $100 and a Personal Value of $50. At this age and year, it makes this John born in 1821. I am unsure if it is the same John, but no other John's are close to this age.
John P. passed away 1873 and is buried in the Col. Alfred Cary Cemetery, Oakfield, NY, in the Village of Oakfield, Genesee county, NY.
_Nicholas Hosselkus___________|
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_John Hosselkus_______________|
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| |_Unknown______________________|
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|--_Nicholas Hosselkus___________
| _Joseph Parke Jr.______________
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| _Daniel Parke_________________|
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| | |_Amity Cady__________________
|_Molly Parke__________________|
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|_Esther Ranney________________|
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